Θερινό Ηλιοστάσιο 2016

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Θερινό Ηλιοστάσιο

Forum logo summer16v2.png

Το Θερινό Ηλιοστάσιο έρχεται!

Η Melissa και η Tandriel ένωσαν τις μαγικές δυνάμεις τους για να γιορτάσουν αυτή τη φοβερή εκδήλωση. Μέσα από συνεχόμενες αποστολές αυτές οι μάγισσες θα αποκαλύψουν κάποιες μαγικές φράσεις από τα ιερά βιβλία, τα οποία θα σου δείξουν λίγα περισσότερα πράγματα για το Elvenar και τους προηγούμενους κατοίκους του. Αλλά τίποτα δεν έρχεται χωρίς τίμημα και θα θελήσουν να ολοκληρώσεις τις αποστολές ώστε να συνεχίσεις και να πάρεις όλα τα βραβεία πριν το Ηλιοστάσιο χαθεί!

Ο Τόμος των Μυστικών, o Χορός του Οχυρού, οι Επιστολές του Enar, το Εγχειρίδιο των Κατασκευών και πολλά ακόμη μαγικά βιβλία θα δείξουν σε εσένα και στις μάγισσες το μονοπάτι για να πάρεις όλη τη δόξα του Φεγγαριού και την δύναμη από τον ιερό Ήλιο.

Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού θα πέσουν από τον ουρανό, οι Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις θα αυξηθούν για να λάμπουν όσο τα αστέρια θα σου λένε τι να κάνεις!


Μενού Εκδήλωσης

Κατά τη διάρκεια της εκδήλωσης Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου θα είναι διαθέσιμες δύο νέες σειρές αποστολών ανεξάρτητες μεταξύ τους. Αλλά να ξέρεις πως θα είναι διαθέσιμες για μικρό χρονικό διάστημα!

Η πρώτη σειρά αποστολών είναι η ημερήσια αποστολή του Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου που θα σου δίνει τυχαία καθήκοντα να κάνεις. Η δεύτερη σειρά αποστολών αφορά την ιστορία της Εκδήλωσης και θα σου δίνει συγκεκριμένα καθήκοντα, σύμφωνα με το επικαλούμενο ιερό βιβλίο. Κάθε σειρά αποστολών θα σου δίνει Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού σαν αμοιβή, που θα προστίθενται στο μενού του Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου.


Όταν κάνεις κλικ στο μενού της Εκδήλωσης θα αποκτάς πρόσβαση στο παράθυρο της, το οποίο θα σου δίνει αρκετές πληροφορίες, όπως και την δυνατότητα να χρησιμοποιείς τα Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού που έχεις:


1 - Εδώ μπορείς να δεις την ποσότητα Θραυσμάτων Φεγγαριού που έχεις συλλέξει και είναι διαθέσιμα.

2 - Μπορείς να αγοράσεις Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού με διαμάντια.

3 - Δείχνει τον εναπομείναντα χρόνο μέχρι το τέλος της εκδήλωσης.

4 - Δείχνει την ειδική ημερήσια αμοιβή που μπορείς να πάρεις ανοίγοντας σεντούκια και για πόσο ακόμη θα είναι διαθέσιμο προτού εξαφανιστεί για πάντα.

5 - Εδώ μπορείς να δεις πόσες Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις έχεις και πόσες ακόμη χρειάζεσαι για να πάρεις τα Μεγάλα Βραβεία.

6 - Σεντούκια Θησαυρού: μπορείς να ξοδέψεις τα Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού για να πάρεις Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις και μια τυχαία αμοιβή ως αντάλλαγμα.

Μπορείς επίσης να κάνεις κλικ στο κουμπί βοήθειας (Helpbtto.png) και να δεις τις πληροφορίες για το Θερινό Ηλιοστάσιο οποιαδήποτε στιγμή!

Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού

Tab1 background.png

Αρχίζεις το Θερινό Ηλιοστάσιο με 50 Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού MoonSplinter.png και για κάθε αποστολή της εκδήλωσης που ολοκληρώνεις παίρνεις περισσότερα Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού ως ανταμοιβή εφόσον έκανες ό,τι σου ζητήθηκε.

Μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις τα Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού για να ανοίξεις τα πολύτιμα Σεντούκια Θησαυρού στα οποία, αν έχεις τύχη, μπορεί να πάρεις περισσότερα Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού από αυτά που ξόδεψες.

Να θυμάσαι το Θερινό Ηλιοστάσιο κρατάει μόνο για μερικές εβδομάδες, και ύστερα δε θα έχεις τη δυνατότητα να ξοδέψεις τα Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού για να πάρεις φοβερούς Θησαυρούς, οπότε μην σπαταλάς τον χρόνο σου!

Σεντούκια Θησαυρού

Tab2 background.png

Τα Σεντούκια Θησαυρού έχουν πολύτιμες αμοιβές! Μπορεί να κερδίσεις Πόντους Γνώσης, Θραύσματα Ρούνων, Θραύσματα Φεγγαριού ακόμη και τις πιο μοναδικές και πολύτιμες Ημερήσιες Αποκλειστικές Αμοιβές. Όλα εξαρτώνται από το πόσο τυχερός είσαι! Με το να ανοίγεις Σεντούκια Θησαυρού μπορεί επίσης να κερδίσεις Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις, αλλά να θυμάσαι, όσο καλύτερο το Σεντούκι, τόσο περισσότερες Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις θα πάρεις.

Μπορείς να διαλέξεις ανάμεσα στο Χάλκινο Σεντούκι, το Ασημένιο Σεντούκι ή το Χρυσό Σεντούκι, το κάθε ένα από αυτά περιέχει παρόμοιες αμοιβές, αλλά οι πιθανότητες να τις κερδίσεις είναι διαφορετικές. Μια συμβουλή: τα Χρυσά Σεντούκια GoldenChest&Button.png είναι τα πιο αποδοτικά!

Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις

Tab3 background.png

Όταν ανοίγεις ένα Σεντούκι Θησαυρού, θα πάρεις Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις SunFlare.png. Κάθε σεντούκι θα σου δώσει άμεσα ένα συγκεκριμένο ποσό από Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις, ωστόσο, όσο καλύτερο το Σεντούκι, τόσο περισσότερες Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις θα πάρεις.

Οι Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις θα σου επιτρέψουν να ξεκλειδώσεις τα Μεγάλα Βραβεία! Υπάρχουν τρία μεγάλα βραβεία διαθέσιμα, το κάθε ένα από αυτά χρειάζεται συγκεκριμένο ποσό από Ηλιακές Εκλάμψεις. Για να ξεκλειδώσεις το επόμενο Μεγάλο Βραβείο, θα πρέπει πρώτα να έχεις συλλέξει το προηγούμενο.


Αφού συλλέξεις τα Μεγάλα Βραβεία, θα τα βρεις στο Απόθεμα Inventory icon normal.png στην καρτέλα Κτίρια.

Κτίρια Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου

Κάθε μέρα θα έχεις μοναδικά και πολύτιμα κτίρια της εκδήλωσης ως αποκλειστική ημερήσια αμοιβή. Μπορείς να τα πάρεις μόνο ανοίγοντας Σεντούκια Θησαυρού και θα είναι διαθέσιμα για συγκεκριμένο χρονικό διάστημα. Μόλις εξαφανιστούν, τότε θα είναι για πάντα!

Βεβαιώσου ότι θα ολοκληρώσεις όσες περισσότερες αποστολές μπορείς ώστε να έχεις την δυνατότητα να αποκτήσεις όλες τις ημερήσιες αποκλειστικές αμοιβές και να δείξεις μέσω της πόλης σου την ευγνωμοσύνη σου στο Θερινό Ηλιοστάσιο!


Επισκόπηση Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου

Κεφάλαιο I

Κεφάλαιο I - Πληροφορίες Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου
Κτίριο Απαιτήσεις Περιγραφή Οφέλος
Διαστάσεις Χρόνος Κατασκευής Culture.png Πληθυσμός Γειτοινική ΒοήθειαΑποτέλεσμα
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Φύλλου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 135 - 135 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Ήλιου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 150 - 150 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος της Λάβας 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 165 - 165 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μονόκερος του Ουράνιου Τόξου 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 38 38 -
Ασημένιος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 75 - -
Κρυστάλλινος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 83 - -
Κλουβί με Λουλούδια του Ουράνιου Τόξου 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 23 23 -
Εαρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 41 - -
Καλοκαιρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 45 - -
Χάλκινοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 71 - -
Ασημένιοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 79 - -
Ευγενές Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 41 - -
Ηρωικό Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 47 - -
Σκοτεινή Σήμανση 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 45 - -
Λαμπερός Κήπος 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 340 340 340 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πατρικό Δένδρο 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 410 - 410 Πολιτισμός /8h
Παρατηρητήριο 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 180 - 180 Πολιτισμός /8h
Κεφάλαιο I - Πληροφορίες Μεγάλων Βραβείων
Βράχοι του Venar I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 180 180 180 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 270 270 270 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 450 450 450 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πάτησε σε οποιοδήποτε από τα κτίρια για να δεις την εικόνα του σε μεγέθυνση.

Κεφάλαιο II

Κεφάλαιο II - Πληροφορίες Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου
Κτίριο Απαιτήσεις Περιγραφή Οφέλος
Διαστάσεις Χρόνος Κατασκευής Culture.png Πληθυσμός Γειτοινική ΒοήθειαΑποτέλεσμα
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Φύλλου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 167 - 167 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Ήλιου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 186 - 186 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος της Λάβας 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 210 - 210 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μονόκερος του Ουράνιου Τόξου 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 47 47 -
Ασημένιος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 93 - -
Κρυστάλλινος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 102 - -
Κλουβί με Λουλούδια του Ουράνιου Τόξου 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 28 28 -
Εαρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 50 - -
Καλοκαιρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 56 - -
Χάλκινοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 88 - -
Ασημένιοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 98 - -
Ευγενές Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 50 - -
Ηρωικό Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 59 - -
Σκοτεινή Σήμανση 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 56 - -
Λαμπερός Κήπος 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 420 420 420 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πατρικό Δένδρο 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 500 - 500 Πολιτισμός /8h
Παρατηρητήριο 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 220 - 220 Πολιτισμός /8h
Κεφάλαιο II - Πληροφορίες Μεγάλων Βραβείων
Βράχοι του Venar I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 220 220 220 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 340 340 340 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 560 560 560 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πάτησε σε οποιοδήποτε από τα κτίρια για να δεις την εικόνα του σε μεγέθυνση.

Κεφάλαιο III

Κεφάλαιο III - Πληροφορίες Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου
Κτίριο Απαιτήσεις Περιγραφή Οφέλος
Διαστάσεις Χρόνος Κατασκευής Culture.png Πληθυσμός Γειτοινική ΒοήθειαΑποτέλεσμα
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Φύλλου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 220 - 220 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Ήλιου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 250 - 250 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος της Λάβας 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 270 - 270 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μονόκερος του Ουράνιου Τόξου 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 62 62 -
Ασημένιος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 123 - -
Κρυστάλλινος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 135 - -
Κλουβί με Λουλούδια του Ουράνιου Τόξου 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 37 37 -
Εαρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 66 - -
Καλοκαιρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 74 - -
Χάλκινοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 117 - -
Ασημένιοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 129 - -
Ευγενές Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 66 - -
Ηρωικό Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 77 - -
Σκοτεινή Σήμανση 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 74 - -
Λαμπερός Κήπος 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 550 550 550 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πατρικό Δένδρο 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 660 - 660 Πολιτισμός /8h
Παρατηρητήριο 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 300 - 300 Πολιτισμός /8h
Κεφάλαιο III - Πληροφορίες Μεγάλων Βραβείων
Βράχοι του Venar I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 300 300 300 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 440 440 440 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 740 740 740 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πάτησε σε οποιοδήποτε από τα κτίρια για να δεις την εικόνα του σε μεγέθυνση.

Κεφάλαιο IV

Κεφάλαιο IV - Πληροφορίες Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου
Κτίριο Απαιτήσεις Περιγραφή Οφέλος
Διαστάσεις Χρόνος Κατασκευής Culture.png Πληθυσμός Γειτοινική ΒοήθειαΑποτέλεσμα
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Φύλλου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 290 - 290 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Ήλιου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 320 - 320 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος της Λάβας 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 350 - 350 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μονόκερος του Ουράνιου Τόξου 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 80 80 -
Ασημένιος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 159 - -
Κρυστάλλινος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 175 - -
Κλουβί με Λουλούδια του Ουράνιου Τόξου 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 48 48 -
Εαρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 86 - -
Καλοκαιρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 95 - -
Χάλκινοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 151 - -
Ασημένιοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 167 - -
Ευγενές Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 86 - -
Ηρωικό Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 100 - -
Σκοτεινή Σήμανση 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 95 - -
Λαμπερός Κήπος 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 720 720 720 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πατρικό Δένδρο 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 860 - 860 Πολιτισμός /8h
Παρατηρητήριο 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 380 - 380 Πολιτισμός /8h
Κεφάλαιο IV - Πληροφορίες Μεγάλων Βραβείων
Βράχοι του Venar I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 380 380 380 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 570 570 570 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 950 950 950 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πάτησε σε οποιοδήποτε από τα κτίρια για να δεις την εικόνα του σε μεγέθυνση.

Κεφάλαιο V

Κεφάλαιο V - Πληροφορίες Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου
Κτίριο Απαιτήσεις Περιγραφή Οφέλος
Διαστάσεις Χρόνος Κατασκευής Culture.png Πληθυσμός Γειτοινική ΒοήθειαΑποτέλεσμα
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Φύλλου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 350 - 350 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Ήλιου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 380 - 380 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος της Λάβας 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 420 - 420 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μονόκερος του Ουράνιου Τόξου 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 96 96 -
Ασημένιος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 192 - -
Κρυστάλλινος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 210 - -
Κλουβί με Λουλούδια του Ουράνιου Τόξου 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 58 58 -
Εαρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 104 - -
Καλοκαιρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 115 - -
Χάλκινοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 182 - -
Ασημένιοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 200 - -
Ευγενές Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 104 - -
Ηρωικό Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 121 - -
Σκοτεινή Σήμανση 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 115 - -
Λαμπερός Κήπος 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 860 860 860 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πατρικό Δένδρο 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 1040 - 1040 Πολιτισμός /8h
Παρατηρητήριο 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 460 - 460 Πολιτισμός /8h
Κεφάλαιο V - Πληροφορίες Μεγάλων Βραβείων
Βράχοι του Venar I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 460 460 460 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 690 690 690 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 1150 1150 1150 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πάτησε σε οποιοδήποτε από τα κτίρια για να δεις την εικόνα του σε μεγέθυνση.

Κεφάλαιο VI

Κεφάλαιο VI - Πληροφορίες Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου
Κτίριο Απαιτήσεις Περιγραφή Οφέλος
Διαστάσεις Χρόνος Κατασκευής Culture.png Πληθυσμός Γειτοινική ΒοήθειαΑποτέλεσμα
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Φύλλου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 460 - 460 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Ήλιου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 510 - 510 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος της Λάβας 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 560 - 560 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μονόκερος του Ουράνιου Τόξου 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 128 128 -
Ασημένιος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 260 - -
Κρυστάλλινος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 280 - -
Κλουβί με Λουλούδια του Ουράνιου Τόξου 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 77 77 -
Εαρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 138 - -
Καλοκαιρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 153 - -
Χάλκινοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 240 - -
Ασημένιοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 270 - -
Ευγενές Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 138 - -
Ηρωικό Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 161 - -
Σκοτεινή Σήμανση 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 153 - -
Λαμπερός Κήπος 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 1150 1150 1150 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πατρικό Δένδρο 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 1380 - 1380 Πολιτισμός /8h
Παρατηρητήριο 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 610 - 610 Πολιτισμός /8h
Κεφάλαιο VI - Πληροφορίες Μεγάλων Βραβείων
Βράχοι του Venar I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 610 610 610 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 920 920 920 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 1530 1530 1530 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πάτησε σε οποιοδήποτε από τα κτίρια για να δεις την εικόνα του σε μεγέθυνση.

Κεφάλαιο VII

Κεφάλαιο VII - Πληροφορίες Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου
Κτίριο Απαιτήσεις Περιγραφή Οφέλος
Διαστάσεις Χρόνος Κατασκευής Culture.png Πληθυσμός Γειτοινική ΒοήθειαΑποτέλεσμα
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Φύλλου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 570 - 570 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Ήλιου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 640 - 640 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος της Λάβας 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 700 - 700 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μονόκερος του Ουράνιου Τόξου 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 159 159 -
Ασημένιος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 320 - -
Κρυστάλλινος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 350 - -
Κλουβί με Λουλούδια του Ουράνιου Τόξου 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 95 95 -
Εαρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 172 - -
Καλοκαιρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 191 - -
Χάλκινοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 300 - -
Ασημένιοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 330 - -
Ευγενές Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 172 - -
Ηρωικό Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 200 - -
Σκοτεινή Σήμανση 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 191 - -
Λαμπερός Κήπος 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 1430 1430 1430 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πατρικό Δένδρο 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 1720 - 1720 Πολιτισμός /8h
Παρατηρητήριο 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 760 - 760 Πολιτισμός /8h
Κεφάλαιο VII - Πληροφορίες Μεγάλων Βραβείων
Βράχοι του Venar I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 760 760 760 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 1150 1150 1150 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 1910 1910 1910 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πάτησε σε οποιοδήποτε από τα κτίρια για να δεις την εικόνα του σε μεγέθυνση.

Κεφάλαιο VIII

Κεφάλαιο VIII - Πληροφορίες Κτιρίων Θερινού Ηλιοστάσιου
Κτίριο Απαιτήσεις Περιγραφή Οφέλος
Διαστάσεις Χρόνος Κατασκευής Culture.png Πληθυσμός Γειτοινική ΒοήθειαΑποτέλεσμα
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Φύλλου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of nature. 700 - 700 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος του Ήλιου 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of the holy sun. 780 - 780 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μαύρη Βίβλος της Λάβας 2x2 10s The internal power of an old religion enforced by the sign of fire and earth. 860 - 860 Πολιτισμός /8h
Μονόκερος του Ουράνιου Τόξου 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. Some people think Enar would show himself from time to time riding on a double-rainbow. 195 195 -
Ασημένιος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest silver. It is doubtful if Enar would be happy with that idea. 390 - -
Κρυστάλλινος Μονόκερος 2x1 10s People might ask themselves, when the god of the forest Enar was seen for the last time. But this does not hurt the popularity of Unicorns at Elvenar. This one is made of finest crystal. 430 - -
Κλουβί με Λουλούδια του Ουράνιου Τόξου 1x1 10s A Flower Cage out of organic rainbow seeds. What glory, what blossom! 117 117 -
Εαρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in Spring. 210 - -
Καλοκαιρινό Κλουβί με Λουλούδια 1x1 10s Cages are not only good to hold down unloved guests, they are also pretty decorative if used in the right way. Especially in the Summer. 230 - -
Χάλκινοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Bronze: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 370 - -
Ασημένιοι Φρουροί 2x1 10s Heavy Guards moulded in Silver: Proud and stubborn, fighting in a war which seems long forgotten. 410 - -
Ευγενές Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the finest dished and prettiest daughters. 210 - -
Ηρωικό Λάβαρο 1x1 10s A Banner to show the whole world of Unur, which Lord has the sharpest swords and the highest walls. 250 - -
Σκοτεινή Σήμανση 1x1 10s Black light. Directly absorbed from the dark side of the Moon. Created by forbidden magic. 230 - -
Λαμπερός Κήπος 5x3 10s A beautiful garden for fine company. Who would not want to amble it along? 1760 1760 1760 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πατρικό Δένδρο 3x3 10s A holy tree located close to the well-known Mother tree. Some Elves assemble here before they go to war and ask for blessing. 2100 - 2100 Πολιτισμός /8h
Παρατηρητήριο 2x2 10s Since the beginning of time Elves and Humans have been mutually interested in astronomy. Some would interpret the constellations as the faces of gods, some as their guidance. 780 - 780 Πολιτισμός /8h
Κεφάλαιο VIII - Πληροφορίες Μεγάλων Βραβείων
Βράχοι του Venar I 2x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. People of all nations and races assemble here to bow to sun and moon while celebrating peaceful coexistence. 940 940 940 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar II 3x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Humans believe that the old Gods hammered the Rocks out of the soil with their bare fists. 1400 1400 1400 Πολιτισμός /8h
Βράχοι του Venar III 5x4 10s A rocky formation of impressive and immemorial monoliths. Many people think that the cosmic and spiritual power of whole Elvenar bales at this holy place during Summer Solstice. Elves believe that the High Men left the Monoliths as a signpost to a better existence. 2300 2300 2300 Πολιτισμός /8h
Πάτησε σε οποιοδήποτε από τα κτίρια για να δεις την εικόνα του σε μεγέθυνση.